This week’s blog will focus on some of my favorite exercises from the second section of my book “The Songbird In My Heart.” These exercises are called “Acts of Contemplation, Freedom for a Glad Heart” and are designed to put you in touch with your deeper self. Each day a corresponding prayer from the book will also be posted to Facebook.
The inspiration for these exercises came from two unlikely sources. The first are the beautiful books from Thomas Merton and his editors A Book of Hours, Seeds of Contemplation, and New Seeds of Contemplation. The second is the red Fieldbook by Peter Senge to his best selling business book The Fifth Discipline. While this part of the book bears little resemblance to these great books, they did serve as inspiration.
Please take some time and try them out! If you like, let me know how it goes. Best of luck. Mark
Acts of Contemplation, Freedom for a Glad Heart
Monday – Wake-up Time
Tuesday – Airtime
Wednesday – Mealtime
Thursday – Moontime
Today - A Moment in Time
A Moment in Time
Opening ThoughtsWhen I was 9 years old I loved the New York Yankees. Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris were my heroes. I loved everything about baseball, but was at that age where I hadn’t actually played it much. I heard about the little league and talked my Mom into taking me to tryouts.
I was so excited, but at the same time had never actually played. At the tryouts, I had no idea what I was doing, but had watched others and had swung a bat my grandfather had given me. Well, you won’t believe this but I was awesome. I connected with each swing of the bat.
Well, that all ended soon when I went to practice and they taught us how to play. With all the instruction and criticism I became a lousy hitter.
I could tell you other stories like this one. As soon as we become self conscious, the magical thread that connects us is broken and we are no longer one. With the loss of selflessness comes a loss of our true nature. This has nothing to do with becoming selfish, everything to do with a loss of oneness. Not in some sort of paradox, but in a loss of unity.
All the great athletes forget everything that they have learned and just do whatever it is that they do. There is no thinking. This is being in the moment, being in the now, or simply being time. If we can stay in the present moment, if we can actually be time, we exist in the absolute truth of the universe. There is no separation, no gap in linkage. We can be perfect in our living of life, connected to our true nature.
Acts of ContemplationAct 1 – We will focus in on trying to be mindful in the present moment. We are trying to experience the pivot of time, how each moment is change, and that if we can fall into the moment, we will forget ourselves. If successful we achieve selflessness so that we can achieve mindfulness.
So, this year during the warmer weather, go outside and try to catch a butterfly without a net. As you perform this task, focus in on being in each moment of time and change as you chase the butterfly. It should feel like you are in a movie as each snapshot of time is taken.
Did you feel each moment as it came and went? Did you perceive time and change in unity? Did you forget about yourself and achieve mindfulness? Write down any important thoughts in your journal.
Act 2 – Repeat Act 1 with an outdoor gardening task. These tasks could be dividing bulbs, repotting an indoor plant, or planting some annuals outdoors. Remember, we will focus in on trying to be mindful in the present moment. We are trying to experience the pivot of time, how each moment is change, and that if we can fall into the moment, we will forget ourselves. If successful we achieve selflessness so that we can achieve mindfulness.
Did you feel each moment as it came and went? Did you perceive time and change in unity? Did you forget about yourself and achieve mindfulness? Write down any important thoughts in your journal.
Act 3 – Repeat Act 1 with the preparation of your favorite meal. The work may include planning the ingredients, food shopping, then preparing, and eating the meal. Remember, we will focus in on trying to be mindful in the present moment. We are trying to experience the pivot of time, how each moment is change, and that if we can fall into the moment, we will forget ourselves. If successful we achieve selflessness so that we can achieve mindfulness.
Did you feel each moment as it came and went? Did you perceive time and change in unity? Did you forget about yourself and achieve mindfulness? Write down any important thoughts in your journal.
Act 4 – Repeat Act 1 by cleaning your car. The work will include wetting, washing, rinsing, drying and waxing the car. Remember, we will focus in on trying to be mindful in the present moment. We are trying to experience the pivot of time, how each moment is change, and that if we can fall into the moment, we will forget ourselves. If successful we achieve selflessness so that we can achieve mindfulness.
Did you feel each moment as it came and went? Did you perceive time and change in unity? Did you forget about yourself and achieve mindfulness? Write down any important thoughts in your journal.
Act 5 – Repeat Act 1 by building something; a patio, brick wall, garden shed or some other physical structure that you can see. It could be a garden trellis or piece of furniture, like a garden bench or work table. The work will include planning the project, buying the materials, building the product and then using it for its intended purpose.
Remember, we will focus in on trying to be mindful in the present moment. We are trying to experience the pivot of time, how each moment is change, and that if we can fall into the moment, we will forget ourselves. If successful we achieve selflessness so that we can achieve mindfulness.
Did you feel each moment as it came and went? Did you perceive time and change in unity? Did you forget about yourself and achieve mindfulness? Write down any important thoughts in your journal.
Act 6 – Repeat Act 1 by taking a warm bath after a hard physical days work. If available use a sudsy bath gel, open the window to let in the sounds of the world around you and have an appropriate cool drink. After taking some time to orient yourself, relax and hum a favorite tune to yourself. Feel the vibration of your voice throughout your body. Empty your mind of all the days’ business and relax.
Remember, we will focus in on trying to be mindful in the present moment. We are trying to experience the pivot of time, how each moment is change, and that if we can fall into the moment, we will forget ourselves. If successful we achieve selflessness so that we can achieve mindfulness.
Did you feel each moment as it came and went? Did you perceive time and change in unity? Did you forget about yourself and achieve mindfulness? Write down any important thoughts in your journal.