The inspiration for these exercises came from two unlikely sources. The first are the beautiful books from Thomas Merton and his editors A Book of Hours, Seeds of Contemplation, and New Seeds of Contemplation. The second is the red Fieldbook by Peter Senge to his best selling business book The Fifth Discipline. While this part of the book bears little resemblance to these great books, they did serve as inspiration.
Please take some time and try them out! If you like, let me know how it goes. Best of luck. Mark
Acts of Contemplation, Freedom for a Glad Heart
Monday – Walking In Quiet Stillness
Tuesday – The Blue Skies Shine
Wednesday – Naturetime
Thursday – Mindtime
Today - The Universe in Time
The Universe in Time

Opening Thoughts
In each moment, time, space and matter come together to create our lives. As each moment pivots into the next, the magical mystery of the universe makes the change in matter and space that we witness.
Better understanding the vastness of the universe in terms of time, space, and matter gives us the humility we need to live in peace and grace. It also delivers the magic and mystery to always keep life interesting.
Acts of Contemplation
Act 1 – Time – Scientists believe that the universe is twelve billion years old. Our solar system is believed to have coalesced about 5 billion years ago. The Moon was probably formed from a Mars sized planet colliding with the Earth about 4 billion years ago. Life on Earth is probably 3.5 billion years old, man-like creatures 2.5 million years old and homo sapiens two hundred thousand years old.
Ponder this scale of time in its relation to your life. Take ten minutes or so. Empty the mind and put aside today’s issues. Wait for the next thought to come. Patiently wait for the next thought. And then, translate the thoughts that arise from the emptiness. Write them down in a journal.
Act 2 – Matter – There are believed to be 100 billion galaxies like our own. Each contains 100 billion stars. That is 10 billion trillion stars in all.
Ponder the number of stars in the universe in relation to your life here on Earth in the Milky Way galaxy. Take ten minutes or so. Empty the mind and put aside today’s issues. Wait for the next thought to come. Patiently wait for the next thought. And then, translate the thoughts that arise from the emptiness. Write them down in a journal.
Act 3 – Space/Distance - Our galaxy, solar system, Earth, and human body are mostly space. While our body has more atoms than there are stars in the universe, the space between is proportionately similar.
Contemplate space and its meaning to you. Take ten minutes or so. Empty the mind and put aside today’s issues. Wait for the next thought to come. Patiently wait for the next thought. And then, translate the thoughts that arise from the emptiness. Write them down in a journal.
Act 4 – Power - The unimaginable power of the black holes, quasars, blazars, and galaxy mergers is only exceeded by the big bang itself. If the Earth is not consumed by its own Sun in 5 billion years it will either be irradiated by a quasar, gulped down by a black hole, lost in an upcoming galaxy merger with Andromeda, or boiled off by the Sun as it evolves.
Ponder the violence of the universe in relation to your life. Take ten minutes or so. Empty the mind and put aside today’s issues. Wait for the next thought to come. Patiently wait for the next thought. And then, translate the thoughts that arise from the emptiness. Write them down in a journal.
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