Monday – Eastern Bluebird and Tree Swallow
Tuesday - Indigo Bunting and Scarlet Tanager
Wednesday - Carolina Chickadee and Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Today - House Wren and Eastern Phoebe
Tomorrow - Cardinal and Blue Jay
House Wren
The size of a chickadee, some say the House Wren is plain brown. I say that this beautiful little bird is every shade of brown and with its energy-filled, exuberant song is the fiercest of competitors. It is reported that they add spider’s eggs to their nesting materials to fight off mites and other nest parasites. Like the chickadee, the House Wren also is a cavity nester and will use a bird box.

Eastern Phoebe
Like the American Robin and Barn Swallow, the Phoebe prefers an open-fronted nest. I had them use one of my open nests on the side of the equipment shed last year. While they winter to the South, I see them frequently in the warmer months as they are constantly entering my barn and require assistance to exit safely.

The Phoebe, a type of flycatcher, is named after its song fee-be.
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